Monday, March 11, 2013

Central idea of my concentration......?

What is the central idea of your concentration?
Wellllll I guess my concentration is centered around the idea that people choose to express what is occurring internally, mentally, etc., in different ways.  It is like a representation of what is occurring inside people's heads on the outside through their actions.  I need to figure out how to phrase this in a way that makes me look smart and arty

How does the work in your concentration demonstrate the exploration of your idea? You may refer to specific images as examples. When referencing specific images, please indicate the image numbers.
My idea of an inside-out way of thinking is explored most explicitly through one of my initial pieces.  The image of the ballerina dancing with a tutu of leaves demonstrates this idea because when dancers are experiencing stress within their own lives, they dance to seek a solution or an outlet.  Another clear example of this idea is represented in my piece depicting an artist beginning to paint.  She starts out clean and unsettled, but as the viewer's eye essentially reads the image from left to right and top to bottom, the artist begins to feel fulfilled again as she works her problems out in her painting.
The central idea of my concentration can also be seen in a more literal way in my piece of the bonfire in the library.  I decided to mix things up and do a more literal piece because I was reminded of the peace and warmth of a library when I photographed the beach bonfire.  Additionally, I believe my idea is portrayed in the piece showing ski racers gliding on top of the clouds because as a racer myself, I feel like I am flying when I ski and it is a very therapeutic experience.

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